Currently 3DXchange can map extend bones, but CC strips out any extra bones that are added to the skeleton. Or rather it sees them as a "non mesh entity" and throws a critical error. The error is only for the extra bones. The rest imports fine. Would it be possible for CC to recognize non...More
I have installed the export version of the Essential Bundle in CC 2. But if I try to export a character from this bundle, I get an error message: The avatar file requires an export licence. And nothing dos happen....More
The opacity texture of my dress was a png texture. I have changed the brightness of the opacity texture with the slider and the opacity hasn't changed. (image 1,2) But if I invert the texture, the dress is fully transparent. (image 3)...More
If you do some adjustments to any material channel textures through the new 'Adjust Color' panel (which is very practical btw) and save your project, then the modification are 'baked' into the texture (or it appears to be so). When you load back a project/character, all the color adjustments...More
If I invert a .png texture, I see it now gray, but the launch dos show, it is a fully clear texture. This dos happen with all channels. More you can see here
Once a custom slider has been created, with a custom "Slider Path', then that Path is not shown back in the Slider Editor whenever that slider get edited. 1) Create a Custom Morph Slider using a Custom Path. 2) Edit the Slider by clicking on the pen icon beside the slider....More
Hi, In the "Texture Settings (Y)" panel, in PBR mode, the ToolTip content message for the Metallic slot describe the Roughness slot while the ToolTip content message for the Roughness slot describe the Metallic slot....More