Character Creator is promoted to be the perfect tool for Game Engines like Unity. But 50.000 triangles or more for just one character is way to much for most games. Certainly for mobile applications. Please create some templates for lowpoly singlemesh characters. With options to use lowpoly...More
The keyboard command works great, as does rotating the IBL numerically from the IBL section, but it might be good to have a clickable icon in the toolbar to rotate the IBL. Something to think about....More
All the characters currently use approximately 60k polys. When it comes to games, an LOD system needs the same character but with different polys. Right now there is no option to generate this in CC 1.5 and CC 2.0. An option to set character poly count to low/medium/high/very high would be...More
Program crashed when I tried to load California Girl from Garry Pye's Comic Faces. I have used this one other time and it worked fine. But this time it crashed and closed the program. I just started the program and that was all that happened....More
I suggest putting the "Tabs" for the Content panel in the same location as in iClone. I really like how the Character Creator and iClone interfaces are becoming very similar. That makes it easier to switch back and forth between applications. This is a minor thing, but the less searching...More
Automated system for creating human characters with machine enhancements - i.e. cyborg. Then a completely new setup which allows for fully robotic characters to be created (bipeds/tracks/guns/etc) The cyborg system could also be used to create a zombie variation upon the standard characters...More
Character Creator expanded to include animal creation (with animations - basic moves and blended motions [suggest checking out FarCry's latest animal development])...More
Character Creator loads 8-bit/1channel Grayscale JPG texture image 'as is', they are not converted and kept internally as 8-bit/1channel Grayscale images. This is not the case when loading 8-bit/1channel Grayscale from PNG,TGA & BMP image files. Character Creator converts those on the fly...More
I noticed you can now use the appearance modifier on accessories now which is great. Just wondering if we're also going to have map import windows for them as well....More