I've been experiencing this issue with Garry Pye's Toodees characters. When changing the Bone Hands, a Time Warp is created which throws the right arm haywire. I just realized how funny this all is when appreciating the cavemen Toodees. Anyway, I'm able to delete the Time Warps which solves...More
It is great news that the new editing power of animator 5.1 has made life easier than ever before Many thanks t the team who have made this possible Also with gif imports or apng...More
Hello, The shortcut-table link of the CTA5 Help menu doesnt work, its leads to nowhere https://manual.reallusion.com/Cartoon-Animator/Content/Resources/ENU/12_Keyboard_Shortcuts/Global_Shortcuts.htm...More
Hello, load a char like in the attchement, go to designer mode, add a few bones like in the video tut "Spring animation" at Minute 7. In the spring editor you can not select one of the bones youn have just created, when you click on one, it blinks blue then goes back to grey and doesnt stay...More
Hello, i asume CTA5 can import CTA4 projects. While doing so CTA5 seems to loose data while converting. A char that eyes were closed in the CTA4 project appeared open in CTA5. The Character in the zip is based on "Ted" and in the face key editor i used template: Sad 3. I just found out that...More
1. Custom Thumbnails automatically take a snapshot of the whole scene now, instead of just the prop we are trying to save. eg In CA4, it worked well when custom characters and props automatically generated an image of that asset as a thumbnail. And then if we wanted a custom screenshot as...More
1. During 360 Head creation, can we please have a "lock" function on the default central expression to prevent accidental morphing of it during use of the average/mirror functions. 2. In Face Key Editor, can we please have a check-box to hide/show spring bones? They make it very hard to see...More
Problem: ======== In the attached file with screenshot of the timeline, I was trying to stretch the last bit of facial motion for this avatar "Ani" (at 3800 in my project) to slow down her DIY head-tilt-up motion by about half... but then the project kept crashing, and upon re-opening, and...More