We would like to suggest to add an option for combine and seperate (like in autodesk maya) ,they will select props as it will make it easier to export them when there are to many sub props and they are needed to form a parent group in 3d xchange so an option to select some specific sub prop...More
Vroid is a 3D character creator for 3D anime characters . I would like to request a preset for importing Vroid characters. https://vroid.com/en/studio Thanks....More
We were experiencing weird/glitchy animations when playing the animations back in 3DXchange. Now we aren't experts on this program so we thought it would be best to contact you directly. I imported the animations like normally, and when playing back different parts of the joints start having...More
I have tried exporting a 2011 FBX from Maya 2017, Cinema4D R20 and Blender 2.8, and have been unable to import animated morph targets into 3DXchange 7.61.3619.1. Previewing these files in another application shows the animated morph targets fine. Unfortunately the fbx is too large to attach...More
I would love to have the actual joint controlled morphs for the DAZ characters imported into iClone. The look of joints when bent are beautiful in DAZ, and odd to freaky in iClone. And I mean as an auto-set up and not some complex morph import and learn how to use scripts to fix it kind of...More
hello! I'm having serious trouble with 3dxchange! I'm importing a model used by Daz gen3 and gen8. When prompted it asks if I would like to convert to a non standard talking character and I click yes. than after it loads, the non standard button is highlighted and the facial expression key...More