3DXchange 7
Issue 7032
FBX animation have bad rotations. The animation looks fine in Maya, 3DS Max, Blender, Unreal, Unity.
We were experiencing weird/glitchy animations when playing the animations back in 3DXchange. Now we aren't experts on this program so we thought it would be best to contact you directly.
I imported the animations like normally, and when playing back different parts of the joints start having weird rotations.
When looking at "Kickanim" and "JumpingAnim", the left foot on both animations starts with weird rotations. This only happens in iClone 3DXchange.
If you look at "Soldier01" animation, it starts spassing out after doing the jump.

I know Cinema4D is made by a different company, but I just wanted to let you know that the same thing happening in 3DXchange happens in their program aswell. From looking at the skeletons they look very similar visually and was wondering if you guys use the same way to evaluate animation joints.

The animations are made using the Smartsuit Pro and Rokoko Studio.
We have tried playing them back in Maya, 3DS Max, Blender, Unreal, and Unity with fine results.
OS: Windows 10
  •  0
  •  1037
Submitted byniebuhrgfx