I have a solid hair prop with spring bones to simulate bounces. The model is made on Blender, and when I try to import in 3DXChange it acts in a weird way: some vertices get pulled to center. Notes: 1) the model behaves correctly if imported without bones...More
Expression editor should allow numeric input from a load profile. ( Instead of a Fail to load error message input profile numerically.) Allow to test expressions and visemes combination in Expression Editor....More
Hello, When I open a G3M FBX file in 3DXchange, it runs the import dialogue box, then closes. No other dialogue boxes open (i.e. regarding non standard characters, etc). There is no imported figure displaying in iClone7 custom folder. I Updated my ndivia graphics driver. I also rolled it...More
hello The update 7.45 3DXchnage does not import the face bones properly. you can not move anything in the face. The same figure Gnenesis 2 in CC3 it ok. CC3 imports the facial bones correctly. I cant import a Genesis Charcter with 3DXchnage properly...More
When you get genesis 8 in to 3dxchange 7,4 the feet poses wrong. when you imported this in to iclone the feet is still wrong. Ex in motion puppet the feet is still wrong....More
I'm not sure whether this is a Daz bug or a 3dxchange bug, but when I try to export Genesis 8 characters from Daz and load them into 3dxchange, the eye-lashes are offset from the face (see attached pic). Moreover, when I export the character from 3dxchange to iClone 7 for animation, the eye...More
Morphs that are exported from 3DXchange from a character's Face Setup>Expression Editor list don't have the same exact orientation as the figure, if you load a morph into Morph Creator, you will notice it will shift location slightly, but the bones stay in place. Because of the difference,...More
Hello, When importing Genisis 3 & 8 characters, I get a problem with legs and Shoulder/Arms, Please see attached images. One image contains the same character once as Genisis 3 (right) version and the second as Genisis 2 (left), notice the legs and shoulders/arms in the G3, and it is correct...More
I do as written in the documentation: http://manual.reallusion.com/3DXchange_7/ENU/Default.htm#3DXchange_7/Pipeline_7.0/04_Modify_Page/Character_Section/Manually_Setting_T_Pose.htm Make sure the grid is On (Shortcut: Ctrl + G)....More