Bug happens with most of the other product installers(iClone/CC3 etc) as well. Very noticeable with the pipeline bonus installer of causing catastrophic error on installer until I tried moving the installer from USB to C drive. Needed to fix some Reallusion related registries as well after...More
Hello! I have fbx file wirh character. I need to animate it in iclone. I have finished all steps in Characterization Mode with bone structure then i want to make Mapping Facial Bones. With eyes is ok, but jaw bones not. I choose jaw bones for jaw map but jaw bones dont't move the jaw. I cant...More
I loaded a Sketchup Model in 3DXchange 7.3 and first selected "Exclude .SKP Back Faces" and then "Merge Identical". Merge Identical deleted quite a lot of Mesh items. This does not happen with the same model in 3DXchange 6.5. The 2 attached images show the issue, look carefully at the Window...More
that problem its the CC1 character in character creator 3.0 its compatible with 3dxchange and automatly see all rigs and blendshapes but the cc3 character in character creator 3.0 see that character as a custom character.and it takes one hours to apply all the same shapes and the rig. and...More
This option only offers you G4 or G5 These need to be updated to also add the option to Export G6Heads and Now G7 Heads would be so useful for creating morphs for the heads....More
j'ai résolu le problème , iclone 3DXChange 7 .23 ne se lançait plus , il s'installait en haut à gauche en modèle réduit j'ai résolu le problème cliquer, propriété dans l'onglet raccourci ,exécuter et choisir "agrandie" et tout est redevenu normal...More
3dxchange 7.23 ne fonctionne plus il fonctionnait très bien jusqu'à ce jour mais depuis le 17 aoùt 2018 impossible de le lancer il s'ouvre très vite et s'installe en réduction sur le côté gauche pour disparaître aussitôt . iclone 3dxchange 6 fonctionne, caractère creator de même , crazytalk...More
Please supply the manuals for CC 7 and 3DXchange (and all new releases) in a downloadable PDF format. Lots of people work offline, and it's a pain to having to go online to look-up something....More