When moving a motion bone 40 units this aligns with the unit system compared with other objects. However, I only need to move a skin bone about 10 units for the same distance. I compare this using the same character, one rigged as non-human and the other as non-standard....More
I attached a screen capture. I just replaced my grass texture with some gradient opacity but its not working. i still see the full texture. Also it applies the gradient of the opacity as color on the main texture(not as opacity) and it makes it darker to the bottom https://www.dropbox.com...More
This character was appearing fine ever since I customized it up until the latest update, when the mesh faces became a mess. When I first made it, I did reassign entire mesh to Body material so that I can control it's appearance better (it is supposed to be a ghost). As I said it was appearing...More
I bought the iClone 7 and some Export content for "Fire Fighters" character from marketplace just yesterday, I bought all these to make my life easy, but seems like I ended up in similar problems by spending rather more The bones are completely different in this content I bought there are...More
IMPORTANT: Before testing this the PopcornFX_Sequencer folder must be deleted from C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 7\Bin64\OpenPlugin See this issue report for details:...More
As the title say, the python plugin for PopcornFX is causing iClone to create Crash Dump files on exit. How to reproduce: 1. Open iClone with just the empty default project....More
I installed the Live Link Plugin to UE4 2.42 and when closing the program it produces an error message. I have reinstalled UE2.42 and the plugin. This occurs with a new empty project with only the live link plug in activated - if I deactivate the plugin then the error stops....More
I created a script to change the opacity of all materials of a character in one go, but as you can see it is not affecting all the materials correctly. On some materials skin or hair in paricular if you set the opacity level below 50% the will disapear completly, this also happens in the modify...More