Ive been Using iClone 7 facia motioncapture with live face and iPhone x i n ue4. 27.2 with The old iclone live Link and The old Metahuman kit. It works with head rotation and every thing.after uppdate to ue 5.03 and new iclone live Link from epic games marketplace and Metahuman uppdate in qixel...More
I can no longer use the 2-sided texture option for any of my clothing materials, both in CC3 or iClone7. It was working and now it's not. The tick box is ticked and has no effect. Clicking it off and on again doesn't change anything....More
Could the animation team create more action movie or superhero fight scene content? Preferably with animation of both action and reactions? Please and thank you :)...More
Hello, I'm still learning IC7 but you guys are making it harder for everyone because we now have to scroll all the way down below the IC8 videos. It disrupts the flow of learning; we already have to deal with youtube hosted videos :( youtube hosted videos suck ass because kill the learning...More
Rather than the generic message, "Can't load file," please have iClone 7 recognize iC8 and say, "iClone 8 files are not backwards compatible with iClone 7"...More
Good Morning. I bought some programs and plugins, but my notebook had a problem and so I need to reinstall on a gaming notebook. I would like to get authorization to install it on the new notebook and if possible leave it as a backup on the old one....More