I spend most of my time working in virtual production environments, and the unique VFX tools that only Houdini Indie offers to its users are an integral part of my 3D content workflow. So if you think that there is a way that Reallusion's impressive array of tools can be used in conjunction...More
When exporting FBX ( to any toolset), any character (even just a base avatar), with a hair asset that has a physics weight map fails. If I delete the weight map then FBX export is successful. I have found the same failure occurs in CC3....More
I was not able to get unreal engine live link work for iclone working. Below is my error message LoginId:f8e090f541e478ee964721939ac090ff EpicAccountId:c6f42f8d8fc94677a4f75ec9f26fd227...More
Bonjour comme tous les ans j'ai voulu acheter le 31 décembre 800 euro, cette année impossible de dépasser 208 euros des bugs en permanence. cela fait plus de 4 an que j'utilise tous vos produits pouvez vous faire un geste pour le iclone 8 et le reste des achats Merci Christophe...More
I think in Iclone 8, it would be better if clothes simply had conform number slots attached to them. They should work like the way the smart hair does now, in that the software simply asks you whether you want to replace it or not (and it would be super handy if you can still move around clothing...More
I have given a walk motion for a character in motion puppet. then I have given transform from one place to another place. But the character is not moving until the timeline has reached half of its transform position and after that, it starts moving at a fast pace. Why it's not moving until...More
I bought a plugin from the content store called "Music move" The install proceedure requires the Music move folder contained in a zip to be added to the openplugin folder, then iclone to be started in admin this runs a script within the Music move folder to download and add additional files...More
when I try to export to Omniverse it says the feature is only available in 3dxchange Pipeline. You can install it or purchase it. I had already downloaded Iclone 7 3dxchange v 7.81 Pro...More
Think about the thousands of times a user will tweak items in a scene. It all adds up. X, Y and Z need their own nine separate lines for translation, rotation, and scale. I've been using Daz forever, and iClone is superior, but when it comes to tweaking transforms, it drives me nuts. There...More