Hi! I'm having a problem with one particular file, a scene with two characters animated with expressions, motions, and viseme/lip sync, but only an ibl for background, that keeps crashing iclone. I'd saved several times, and everything was working fine, but then I started changing the ibl...More
Add the ability to open up both CC3 and iClone, and then be able to modify my characters in CC3 and see the updates "live" in my iClone window. This would be similar, in concept, to the "Unreal Live Link." See this Reallusion video at t=2:00...More
Maybe this option can be piped through the Reallusion hub since it has in place to check programs to see if they are installed and updated or not. This would be ideal because it opens up remote access if people need to work on or demonstrate projects remotely. As long as the main computer stays...More
If the Roadmap for 2020 is not ready yet there could be something be added like - building subscene ( like in aftereffects the compositions ) to make interactive scene possible and - the ability to import and use SVG/ and animated GIF including to drive them ( start/stop/repeat)...More
hi trying to transfer a character from iclone but there's no joy... it seems the CC3 BASE AS SOON as the transfer tab is clicked, UE4 4.24.2 crashes? , it seems to work with the CC1 BASE... unreal just reports an error which says "(01) Can't evaluate frame for 'Outfits_DH_Kevin_0'. No data...More
A fantastic enhancement would be to allow any voice to be used in the Text to Speech, given a sample of the voice. I know Adobe demo'd VoCo a few years back and LyreBird and others are offering commercial services for this but most are not affordable or flexible enough for an Indie or Amateur...More
I have a friend who claims to have gotten an email from you guys stating that in the near future Live link for UE4 was going to be free. I was highly doubtful, and told him it was most likely spam, as I have seen no-one mention it anywhere. Can you put this to rest? I am a developer who desperately...More
When trying to apply Avatar Proportion to a G6 character, a warning is displayed, related to FBX export. See: G6_avatar_proportion_warning.jpg In addition, there are number of issues with the scaled character....More