I'm working on an iClone scene for a client. Today when I opened the project and selected one of the avatars, iClone crashed. Also when I selected one of the props, iClone crashed. In both situations iClone disappears without an error message. I have been working on this project for months...More
Dear Team, Firstly I have to say you guys have awesome products and I have been using it for years as a trial version. and very recently I save some money and acquired the iClones latest version. But since I bought it I haven't managed to use to well as there are very less models to use and...More
There seems to be some issue when using RRgb(r,g,b) and RColor(r,g,b,1.0) When using one of the color constants everything is ok: print(str(RLPy.RRgb.BLUE.Red())+" "+str(RLPy.RRgb.BLUE.Red())+" "+str(RLPy.RRgb.BLUE.Blue()))...More
Say we have a motion capture clip where we smile. If we could get the position of some parts of the face we could apply wrinkle morphs accordingly. See attacked gif....More
iClone 7.4 has a very irritating bug in it, so that every time I hit the button to take the playhead back to Frame 1, the entire program crashes (this only seems top be happening on the button itself, not the keyboard shortcut [,]). My standard workflow when something screwy like this happens...More
Since there are functions to Add keys to a material component we also need functions to Remove keys. Example: Have: def RLPy.RIMaterialComponent.AddDiffuseKey(self, kTime, strMeshName, strMaterialName, kColor)...More
Iclone 7.4 German Version Real Time Render Options error Rest each Time This Video Link you can see the error https://youtu.be/ecAjQmigIF0 Best Regards rosuckmedia...More
NOTE: This problem has also been observed in iClone 7.3 for this specific project, but I noticed it first in Beta 6, so I'm entering it here. The test project can be obtained at: http://www.virtualrealist.com/uploads/ic741_beta6_timeline_problem.zip . What I encounter is that by moving the...More
Exporting a full character animation (MotionPlus for example) with a Look At constraint directly from iClone to any other software (including 3DXChange) will cause the eyes to remain looking up to the right....More