When exporting a character with subdivision ticked and importing such character into Unreal Engine there is always an issue around the face no matter the model. Even when using a default character model and adding subdivisions the issue still persists. Please try this for yourself. When importing...More
Hi, I'm trying to get to the Native Morph Slider, as seen in this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW3CKACbo_4&ab_channel=Reallusion It seems that this entire section is missing from my modify panel. The icon for this is in the the bottom left of the Facial Profile Editor, but...More
One of the biggest irritations working with Character Creator is that you have to export the character mesh with the eyelashes attached. It's more than a little irritating to work with in Zbrush or for sculpting because you're having to deal with the eyelashes getting in the way of sculpting...More
I downloaded the essentials for Character Creator 4, and I was kind of disappointed that there was no base skins for other Races included in Character Creator 4. I would like to suggest that in future versions of Character Creator, that you include a base texture for different races. There...More
It would be great if CC could export an applied animation to a character - as a complete Obj Sequence. Currently, the nearest it can do is "export current pose". That would be a chore to do a 1000 frame animation mesh export manually....More
Hello, The hotfix provided for texture path bug in content manager ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ycijcRRYAU71CxFyxebezV1bCyFBruFH/view?usp=share_link ) does not work for me. I have not anything special on my computer (PC / Win10 x64), the computer is on a AD domain and I am admin on...More
I purchased Hair Builder recently and was sure I will be able to build any hairstyles I want, because it's a builder. But I couldn't find any tips on how to build hairs. Only 2 presets (samurai knots) for male and plenty of hair patches for female. In my work, I need to build vintage male hairs...More