iClone 7
Issue 3364
3DConnexion/3D Mouse support
Please give us support for 3D Mice. It is Agonizing to have to use alt and the mouse button to move around in a scene, especially when you are zooming in and out. My finger is about to fall off with how many times you have to move the scroll wheel to move short distances. I have used a 3D mouse for two years now, and it has made such a difference in the speed and efficiency of my work. Lack of any 3D mouse support is killing me. I'm not saying that it has to be the 3DConnexion Space Navigator or Pilot, but any 3D mouse is better than not having one.
OS: Windows 10
Related Issue:   3DConnexion Support (Issue 290)
  •  29
  •  94886
Submitted bywill2power71 Jun 23, 2017
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ken_1171 Oct 12, 2018
I have personally asked Kai Deneve about this, and he claims it is simply because there isn't enough demand for it. However, I believe most people who would like to have 3D mouse support don't know they have to make a request for it to happen, or where. My suggestion is for us to gather people in the forums to let them know about this, and ask them to post a request here. Otherwise, 3D mice support will never happen. 
3dtester Oct 12, 2018
I'm a bit shocked that this discussion is lasting over 6 years now, and still nothing happened.

I pre-assumed 3DMouse support in RL software. It isn't there. For no reasons.
Yes, what could be the reason for not implementing such a simple feature such as input device support??

RL, please listen to your customers.
It would be a real benefit to use a 3DMouse in iClone / CC.

Come on, ask your developers. I'm sure it will be no big deal!
dbshaffer Feb 13, 2018
Why is this not done yet?
SilverDolphin Jan 29, 2018
We need this added to Iclone now. This is not a wishlist item this is something to improve productivity.
ToKoMotion Dec 13, 2017
I totally support this request! If you once have worked with a 3D mouse in other applications you really miss this feature in iClone/CC. 
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