iClone 7
Issue 3364
3DConnexion/3D Mouse support
Please give us support for 3D Mice. It is Agonizing to have to use alt and the mouse button to move around in a scene, especially when you are zooming in and out. My finger is about to fall off with how many times you have to move the scroll wheel to move short distances. I have used a 3D mouse for two years now, and it has made such a difference in the speed and efficiency of my work. Lack of any 3D mouse support is killing me. I'm not saying that it has to be the 3DConnexion Space Navigator or Pilot, but any 3D mouse is better than not having one.
OS: Windows 10
Related Issue:   3DConnexion Support (Issue 290)
  •  29
  •  94888
Submitted bywill2power71 Jun 23, 2017
marc_099455 Apr 1, 2020
space mouse please!!!!!!
quellenform Oct 31, 2019
3D-Software without 3D-Mouse-Support = No go!
amercado Aug 16, 2019
My work is so mush smoother when i can use my SpaceMouse, please add support.
studioh Jun 1, 2019
Please add support for the 3dconnexion space navigator.   I know it seems like there isn't enough support for this. But once it is added people will recognize it's value and how much time it saves navigating a 3d environment.  iclone is a great 3D program. Your users have been asking for support for this for years, it's time to add support for this.
eduardo.carvajal.t Nov 16, 2018
Please add 3DConnexion support. It is a must!