Color Mode (Blend Mode)

There are three methods to blend the Colormap and Detailmap. You may utilize either one of them to have the terrain show in different texture appearances. Please click the button and find the Color Mode drop down list in the Terrain panel.


  • It is highly recommended to choose Multiply as the initial setting so that you can see the correct texture color.

  • For beginners: It is recommended to check the Color and the Lighting boxes, uncheck the Detail box and select Multiply for the Color Mode.

  • Check the Detail box later on when you are familiar with the Detailmap concept.

  • Add (Rarely Used)

    If you select Add in the drop down list, EarthSculptor adds the RGB values from the Colormap and Detailmap, which may sometimes cause overexposure.

    Over Exposure Result

    Add Minus Half

    When you blend Detailmap with Colormap, Add Minus Half provides the best blended result.

    Over Exposure Result Decreased


    This selection is best for pure color-texture-painting approach. It is highly recommended to choose Multiply as the initial setting so that you can see the painted texture color.

    Detailmap & Colormap Color Values Multiplied


  • If you check both Color and Detail boxes, select Add Minus Half so the terrain appears less dark.

  • Color Box = On
    Detail Box = On
    Add Minus Half

    Color Box = On
    Detail Box = On

  • If you check Color box only, Multiply is best choice.

  • Color Box = On
    Detail Box = Off
    Add Minus Half

    Color Box = On
    Detail Box = Off

  • Please refer to Custom Brush Texture, Terrain Texture - Detail Map and Terrain Size and Texture Resolution for more information.