Custom Brush Texture

The Paint tool allows you to customize the Colormap by using a paint brush to paint on the terrain directly.

Color Panel and Presets

  1. In the Terrain panel, make sure you check the Color box. Please also check OFF the Detail box optionally for better observation of the painting result.

  2. Click the Paint button in the Toolbar panel.

  3. Press down either one presets button to retrieve the settings.

  4. Paint directly on the terrain.

    Before Painting

    After Painting


  • You may change the Radius of the brush by Shift + Dragging on the terrain.

  • Each preset stores all the parameter settings in the Color panel. Toggle different preset may retrieve these settings.

  • Please refer to Utility > Explore: Tracking Project Maps for more information.

  • Setting Brush Texture

    If you wish to paint with prepared texture image, please follow the steps:

    1. Select any one preset in the Color panel.

    2. Press Set Texture button in the Material panel.

    3. Browse and select desired texture image file (TGA, PNG or BMP). Click OK when done.

    4. Paint directly on the terrain.

    5. If you want to blend the texture with desired color, in the Material panel, pick one desired color. You may find the color of the preset changes as well.

    6. The brush preset is also modified. You may then paint on the terrain.

    Brush Scale Setting

    The Scale feature for the paint brush tool utilize the tiling idea to change the size of the texture for each stroke. You may new a terrain project to verify the theory as the steps below:

    1. Please click File / New, In the New panel, set the Map Size to 513x513 and the Colormap to 512x512.
      (In the terrain panel, you may uncheck the Detail box for better observation)

    2. Load an image (512x512) as the texture of the paint brush as last section described.

    3. Set the Scale of the brush to 1. (For better understanding, you may assume that one invisible image plane with the loaded texture hanging above the terrain entity and tiled 1 time on each side.)

    4. Paint on the terrain. It means to project the texture of the invisible plan onto the terrain.

    5. Change the Scale value to 10. The texture in the invisible plane tiles 10 times on each side.

    6. Paint to project the texture onto the terrain.

      Paint to project


    7. Change the Scale value to 0.10. The texture in the invisible plane tiles 1/10 times on each side.

    8. Paint to project the texture onto the terrain.

      Paint to project
