Terrain Size

Before starting to create a new terrain via EarthSculptor, you need to first define the physical size of the terrain. So that you can predict how large the terrain will exist in iClone when it's scale is 1:1.

  1. Click File/New to invoke the New panel.

  2. Select the preset in the Map Size drop down list to define the size of the terrain. In this case, we start from a 513x513 cm terrain size, it's around 5 meter square in iClone.

  3. Leave the other fields unchanged in the panel and click OK.

    Terrain size set in EarthSculptor

    Terrain loaded in iClone


  • The unit for the Map Size is in centimeter.

  • Please refer to Color Map, Detail Map and Light Map Resolution for more information about the texture resolution.

  • You may also refer to Terrain Size and Texture Resolution for more information about the exported terrain size for iClone.