Tank Control Manual
The purpose of iAnimation in iClone is to use the simplest way to provide the user multiple choices when using various actions of a particular behavior of iProps. This will greatly save the filming time and lets you to enjoy Play to Edit.

This manual contains:

A   Tank Control


  Tank Crew Control
C   Special Effects
D   How to use MG42 to open fire?


Tank Control

There are basically two kinds of Tank Control:

1 Chassis Control
2 Turret Control
Both controls can be used in Director Mode or Edit Mode. Users can choose according to their preferences. We will introduce how to use these controls in the two modes.
1. Chassis Control
Chassis Control Includes animation control of Toggle Engine On/Off, Open Fire, Open/Close Hatch, Hit, Destroyed, and Track Stop. Here is how to:
 Editor Mode  

Apply Tank iProps (ie: Tiger_I.iprops)
Right click on the tank and menu below will appear:

Toggle Engine On :  Turns on the engine and smoke comes out of the tailpipe.
Toggle Engine Off :  Turns off the engine and smoke stops coming out of the tailpipe.
Open Fire : 
The realistic recoil will be displayed when the tank opens fire.
Open Hatch   
Close Hatch  
Hit : Animation of Tank being hit.
Destroyed : Animation of Tank being destroyed.
Track Stop : Stops track from moving.
Move Forward : After choosing Move Forward, click on the destination and the Tank will move to the destination and stay there.
Move Backward :

After choosing Move Backward, click on the destination, and the Tank will back up to the destination and stay there.

Note :

When you press the Space key (Stop) to stop recording, the Tank will also stop moving immediately.

Director Mode  

After switching to the Director Mode, you can use Hotkeys to perform various actions. Hotkeys can let you access various behaviors of the Tank similar to operations in a game.

Animation Hotkey
Toggle Engine On 1
Toggle Engine Loop 2
Toggle Engine Off 3
Open Fire 4
Open Hatch 5
Hit 6
Destroyed 7
Track Stop 8


Move Hotkey 1 Hotkey 2
Move Forward W Up Arrow
Stop S Down Arrow
Move Left A Left Arrow
Move Right D Right Arrow

2. Turret Control

Turret Control : Includes turning horizontally and moving vertically. Here is how to:
Editor Mode  

Click on the Turret and use Hotkeys to control the movements. (You can use Scene Manager to select the Turret)

After choosing Turn, click on the ground where you expect the turret to turn, and the Turret will turn to that direction automatically.

Note : You can turn the turret horizontally. You need to be in the Director Mode in order to operate the gun cannon horizontally.

Director Mode  

Click on the Turret and use Hotkeys to control the movements. (You can use Scene Manager to select the Turret)

Move Hotkey 1
Turret turn clockwise D
Turret turn counter clockwise A
Move up Q
Move down E


Tank Crew Control
Tank Crew can enter the turret of the tank (there is only marching action, but no climbing action). After entering the turret, users can use the Perform command Open Hatch and Close Hatch to control the tank crew to climb up and down.
Editor Mode  
Apply Tank iProps (ie: Tiger_I.iprops)
Apply Tank Crew avatar (ie: SS Tank Commander_B.iavatar)

Right click on the tank and menu below will appear:

After Choosing Operate-> Commander Get In, the Tank Crew will enter the tank.
Open Hatch :  When the tank crew is inside the tank, choose Perform-> Open Hatch to open the Hatch, and the crew will climb out of the turret. (When there is no crew, this command only opens the hatch)
Close Hatch :  When the tank crew is at the above position, choose Perform-> Close Hatch to close the Hatch, and the crew will climb in of the turret. (When there is no crew, this command only closes the hatch)
Director Mode  
Tank Crew enters the tank the same way as in Editor Mode. The control is the same as Tank Control. User Hot Key 4 to open hatch and Hot Key 5 to close hatch.


Special Effects — Hit, Big Smoke and Burning Fire

To create the situation whenever the tank is hit; or smoke comes out of the tank after it is hit; or the tank starts burning, you can apply such a Particle Dummy and Link it to the tank.

1. Apply Hit, Big Smoke or Burning Fire iProps
2. Adjust its location to where you want to generate the effect.
3. Choose Link and click on the tank.
4. You can hide the red mesh when you set opacity of the iprops to 0.

You can choose to turn on or off the effect simply by right click on the iProps and choose Effect On or Off.



How to use MG42 to open fire?

Right click on the MG42 and choose Perform/Fire.

Copyright © 2009 Reallusion, Inc.