If its a big alembic animated file (in my case around 1million verts) iclone cant save the project with the file in it and it crashes giving the message something about the memory this issue was happening on iclone 7 too but it still remains...More
- The abilty to edit multiple lights of as type globally. Mainly brightness, and shadow settings. - For spotlights to have the ability to have a Gobo “Go Between Optics” applied....More
Space Mouse Pro from 3D Connexion in CC4 work perfectly but not in Iclone 8. I have update to Iclone 8.2 and I have update the last driver to Space Mouse Pro, and it works perfectly in CC4 but not in Iclone 8 in any updated version, when I try to move the Space Mouse the screen start to move...More
it works for a prop i tried to apply some vertex animation to some parts of a non standard character but it doesnt import it it shows that its been loaded but nothing happens, and the v.animation doesnt play as it should nor appears on the timeline...More
I'd like to be able to do live broadcast with less programs running as possible and use iClone's Exclude Effects with it. The webcam support or url streams should additionally be used as a shader to be applied to a plane so any broadcast/webcam or a combination can show live on a TV, Phone...More