I have a project which will not open anymore, around 1.5 gig As soon as the file got larger than 1.33 gig, it failed. Opening file manager I can see the program fails when it hits around 1.33 gig. Why is this a restriction, it functions fine while it is open at that file size. I have tried...More
Popcorn FX reflections missing on the Prosp. Lightemission is reflected by no Particle mirrors on the full reflective Prop. Any Ideas how to solve it?...More
We can already hide things in our scenes but I think it would be great if we could have the option to unload actors, and props from the scene freeing up memory usage and load them back again. Much like hiding and unhiding. The reason is that iclone becomes more and more sluggish with the...More
After sampling motion and opening Curve Editor, I cannot select any of the motion layers, and I cannot see keys for any layers. The toolbar is also greyed-out UPDATE / WORKAROUND: 1. Select "Edit> Object Transform"...More
Hi RL and Icloner, How can we convert a motionpath into curve Data? We tried everything but perhaps it is afeature for the next update? Is there a way to convert the path into curve-Data?...More
Hello friends. I have a single suggestion for the new Iclone 8. Implement a modeling and uvmap system, which will make iclone an animation and modeling software, getting very close to the great modeling and animation softwares. You do not need to create rig and characters, because Character...More
I would like to see 180 degree VR implemented within iClone, as supported by the Google 180 VR format. My main issue with 360 degree panoramic VR video/animation is that it's difficult to tell a narrative,as the viewer may be looking the opposite direction while something important is happening...More
Hi, That would be great when hiding elements like Avatars or props etc.. to get a better playback speed, for the moment it seems like the computer continues to calculate polygons of hided elements. And,...More