Hello, I would like to make a character that shoots footage of her self with her phone (selfie). The "look at" feature would be perfect for this, but iClone doesn't let me utilize it as the camera is linked to the characters hand. I'm using mocap data of a person actually holding a phone...More
We have all had to abandon a character because the collision shapes are unreliable. Sometimes they work and sometimes not, leading to a lot of hard work wasted. Maybe a better solution can be found by the team which would also be attractive to animators of other softwares who spend hours trying...More
Going off from a 2017 thread about root motion not being exported with FBX files, I have recently experienced that this issue still exists. For good measure I have tried a number of different things, including enabling/disabling Reset root motion, selecting both Unreal and Unity presets, and...More
The Curve Editor manual mentions here (if you click on "Note"): http://manual.reallusion.com/Curve_Editor_Plug_in/ENU/Default.htm#Curve_Editor_1/Curve_Editor/Supported_Data_for_Curve_Editor.htm%3FTocPath%3DBasic%2520Concepts%7C_____4 ...that the Curve Editor will be updated at some point...More
first i bought CC3, after this i bought iClone, between both installation there was 1 month. I first installed CC3 after this iClone. So after iClone installation i became sevreral Errors with the "TEMP " Folder. CC3 was unabale to load the Eye Texture, or in some cases the Skin Texture. One...More
Any time I select any option to go online from within Iclone i.e help online Manual or Video Tutorials or any other link to go online I get the following from Firefox (see Picture) I am using the Developer Version of Iclone Version 7.41.2627.1 Thanks Christopher Watts...More
DESIRED RESULTS: The "Settings.ini" file should be written at the BEGINNING of the "Save MI Scene" process, before any individual frame data is exported. WHY:...More
There is a context menu for reversing a motion clip in the timeline. However, there is no such option for expression tracks. Expression clips should also have the option to reverse them....More
Hitfilm only supports .ma Maya camera import, please make that an option for camera import, I'm sure it would be helpful for Maya users too, but really important for Hitfilm....More