Hello, I would like to make a character that shoots footage of her self with her phone (selfie). The "look at" feature would be perfect for this, but iClone doesn't let me utilize it as the camera is linked to the characters hand. I'm using mocap data of a person actually holding a phone...More
The undo function is almost always disabled. It is extremely unpleasant that we can not go back. We must save our work when we try new things. Could you reactivate this function? This would be extremely useful and super appreciated especially when you learn this software. Thank you very much...More
Hitfilm only supports .ma Maya camera import, please make that an option for camera import, I'm sure it would be helpful for Maya users too, but really important for Hitfilm....More
If you select SET AS DUMMY on a prop, with the "receive shadows" option activated, the shadows on the object are not displayed when switching to ToonShader. This problem was already highlighted in issue#3899 (iClone7.1) but still persists in 7.3....More
It might be useful that iClone Pipeline have a bridge to allow any scene loaded in Cartoon animator show in iClone's scene view with access to edit the 2D animation and be timeline. It would have the option to show in the background or as an overlay over the iclone stage so that the 2D parallax...More
I use Keepass to maintain my User Names and Passwords. Your site is one of several that seemingly refuses to accept input from Keepass and forces me into that infuriating 'spot the store fronts or similar'. In many years of computing I have never got these correct first go. Is this a particular...More
Did not work in 7.6 or 7.7. Installed latest version of Popcorn FX Plugin, no change. Technical support have same issue and asked me to report it here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4eoglk668j61fsd/Flow%20move%20dummy%20not%20working.mp4?dl=0...More
The motion clip and its encased keys is flattened before they are saved as a motion file (*.iMotionPlus) for Non-Human avatars. Therefore, when i apply the saved motion clip file back on to a character, the encased keys is missing (because they are completely merged into the clip before the...More
We have all had to abandon a character because the collision shapes are unreliable. Sometimes they work and sometimes not, leading to a lot of hard work wasted. Maybe a better solution can be found by the team which would also be attractive to animators of other softwares who spend hours trying...More