Is it possible for Reallusion to develop a live video stream plug-in from the iPhone or another 4k camera so you can live stream into iclone in realtime in iclone set-up instead of UE4? I can do it in UE4 but I have much more control in iclone for the look and animations....More
Suggest use different colour for highlighting text in Forum as difficult to read yellow on white text- Should be an easy fix with darker colour. Forum doesn't seem to have its own feedback thread for forum site issues . You might consider adding one one or including it here under the products...More
Took standard CC3+ character from iclone to unreal engine with Live Link transfer. Tried packaging Unreal for IOS. When building the shaders it failed to compile the STD_SKIN_HEAD_PBR_HQ_INST material for SF_METAL. Now all characters just have grey faces....More
Hello, Since the 7.8 upgrade, I have not been able to: 1) deselect the Displacement map for my Substance 200 materials. The Use Substance Graph checkbox is greyed out....More
When I open iClone 7.8, add the Caleb character, then look at the viewport, the result is very low quality compared to marketing material (ie. the reallusion website). The render via iRay is even worse - like a melted plastic barbie doll covered with oil. :)...More
Hey guys, maybe you can help me. how i can achieve a falling character who his physics looking organic. i played last 3 days with motion layer and tweaked some motion plus animation but its all looking wired....More
In complex scenes, IC7 renders slowly but to the end. When changing to another camera and rendering again, IC7 stops in the middle of the rendering and does not give any feedback. You can see in the Task Manager that the GPU module of the NVIDIA 1060 is no longer being addressed. Success is...More
When using the content uploader, the message says: One or more items may require external files. Please check your AML settings, (which I have no idea what that means)....More