Hello, I have an iAvatar file with set of few morphs which IClone can't export as Unreal preset due to its crash on the 67%. It appears that this bug occurs due to combination of morphs, as when I randomly remove one from that set the crash no longer occurs. In order to reproduce just import...More
I have purchased a number of things from the company and as far as the support forum goes I have gotten the needed feedback but when it comes to general stuff, I can't seem to get any reply. So I sent an email over two months ago about learning the software, being a part of selling things...More
Happens every time when using IBL visible as the 'Sky'. Position of IBL image in Indigo Renderer plugin does not match what was exported from iClone 7. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!...More
>>> This is being reported against iClone 7.3. It may or may not apply equally well to CC3 <<< In addition to specifying a specific frame number to start applying the "De-Noise" feature, it would be nice to have the ability to simply request it be applied to the FINAL ITERATION when rendering...More
In iClone 7 we have an extra digit for the transform (X, Y, and Z) values. This is great, but I don't think the extra digit is used optimally. 0.001 cm is very small indeed and I think a resolution of 0.01 cm (1/10 of a millimeter) would be sufficient. On the other end of the scale we currently...More
The character's ribs(breasts) are springing, but the others are not.. So, abdominals and hips have problem, breasts are working correct. Also, iClone 6 has the same problem....More
On any character timeline, when I want to paste, or copy the look keys, it does not allow me to paste on the same timeline. I have to now stop at that point in time, click the character, to stop look or look at, to get a key node on the look line in the timeline. The mouse click on the look...More
Currently, if using PBR materials, Iclone uses linear workflow. However upon export, there's no way to save in a format that continues this linear workflow, and all clips are output as SRGB. For those of us wanting to use Iclone for professional animation, compositing and export, it is important...More