I find it really time consuming to look through tons of motion content, and having to apply each motion to my characters (and then undo) if it's not going to work. I have hundreds of different types of animations for sword fighting combat alone, and even though those animations are labeled...More
Hi, I know that the technology to make Live Face work is the iphone X IR camera with software based on Faceshift (apple), but Faceshift were working with Intel realsense cameras as hardware for their system. It would be great if Reallusion could pursue a depth sensing facial tracking solution...More
Sometimes you just want to move/cange values without a key being created, this applies to everything, animationg, cameras, lighting... sometimes you are just setting stuff around and not keying things and it's a hassle to be looking for keys that you put unwantendly....More
Add the ability to open up both CC3 and iClone, and then be able to modify my characters in CC3 and see the updates "live" in my iClone window. This would be similar, in concept, to the "Unreal Live Link." See this Reallusion video at t=2:00...More
Hello! I use iClone in a "Live" environment. It will be great to have a separate "Fullscreen" viewport output trought NDI (https://www.newtek.com/ndi) A lot of great software support it and I think it can opens for new possibilities....More
I have started using IClone as a PowerPoint replacement and it works really well, but when you are at Frame 6,000 and you select a 'Transition Curve Preset' from the list, IClone wants to animate the movie from the last key frame of this prop, which is frequently zero all the way to the new...More
I'm amazed that no one thought to include this, but there needs to be a way to send imported morphs that already exist in the figures to the morph animation section. Right now, you can have a figure in iClone that already has morphs with it, but there's no way to select these existing morphs...More
Please introduce an Octane Render plugin for iClone 7.8 (free, paid doesn't matter). I used it in DAZ Studio and it gives an excellent and better output. So I don't know why you guys at Reallusion are unnecessarily dilly-dallying with the idea of introducing an Octane Render plugin for iClone...More