I & others spend so much time writing feedback about bugs ways to increase productivity etc I really wish DA points are automatically given to those that are confirmed issues/assigned -until resolved. I often wait and wait for months not being able to upload new products or create videos/scenes...More
Perhaps a simple checkbox in the material area "Enable Looping" would assign the textures to a different timeline system whereby each texture slot can have its own adjustable timing.. Once looping has been enabled and the character or object exported as FBX/Obj /Unity/UDK the texture channels...More
Dear Development and Marketing Team, Could you please make iClone a more professional and competitive tool. Almost all tools that are free like unity,unreal and blender far exceed the capabilities of it. Meaning the unity built in animation tools can do the same and far more than iClone and...More
Hello, I have installed the Auto setup for livelink but there are no buttons to set another shader. (see the picture as an example) I am not quite sure whats happening there. My Engine version is 4.22 and i added the corresponding plugin version to the project....More