Created a character in Character Creator, transfer to Iclone - export to Unreal crashes at 30% point. To recreate - You will need the project file as it appears to be related to a particular character - its too big to upload how do I get this to you? load the project....More
Going off from a 2017 thread about root motion not being exported with FBX files, I have recently experienced that this issue still exists. For good measure I have tried a number of different things, including enabling/disabling Reset root motion, selecting both Unreal and Unity presets, and...More
Hello, It appears that the naming for the exported images is randomly selected. So it gets quite hard to understand how to restart a sequence rendering....More
with cc3 headshot why have system load ct8 to generate faces? next update should address legacy issues like that. backtracking requires extra production time as well. modify panel links to ct8. if cartoon animator uses rlHead add edit ability via cc3 and or ic7...More
I need to filter-process exported images of my iClone characters, but I am finding that the minimalist native light setting in Character Creator is much better suited for a cartoon effect (cartoon post effect *not* shown here; image below is CC's native render). I can't replicate CC's lighting...More
-> I get this error when I try to connect Live Face in Motion Live plugin. I have my labtop with Iclone and motion live 3D and the live link face profile connected to WLAN (IP4 I connect my Iphone XS to same WLAN and start the app "live link face" newest version....More
I noted that one user said his sound card caused the issue, but that seems not to be a universal cure. Sometimes it likes the audio, sometimes it doesn't. Align gives the error. Align Partial gives the error. What is most perturbing is, when I select the exact text to align, and the code takes...More
For iClone 7/8 I'd like to be able to create new kinds of animated characters and props. Your video water bumps could look very interesting if converted to displacement but I have ideas for full body seamless displacement and body parts etc....More