When I open some of my projects iclone becomes completely unusable, I can click on what ever, adjust what ever, but nothing happens in the project window! Also i cant use or move the project window in anyway, iclone is at this state totally a dead stick and useless. On other project all the...More
I add a speedtree to a project and while I see the boundary marks for the tree, the tree itself is not visible (but is checked as visible in the parameters). This remained the case through several reboots of the software and a reinstallation of the speedtree assets. Then at random trees started...More
This is a strange problem that happens occasionally and is hard to reproduce. However, today I was working on a very simple project, which seems to cause the view port to freeze almost every time. Follow this link to download a ZIP file with the project: http://www.virtualrealist.com/uploads...More
Hi, I have imported a video (CTRL + drag&drop) and playing, I saw that it stops before the video end. The same video in IC6.54 plays correctly till the end....More
Every time I save a project which has DOF settings on a camera, (keyframed to change or not), the focal range (as well as near & far transition regions) all reset to zero next time I open the file. Very strange. Because this was previously reported as issue Issue 3496, assigned and marked...More
The keys are getting split with move on some of my existing projects (I cannot get clear pattern of this behavior). Particularly a copy of the torso key is left behind. For now I just delete them (not sure if it is safe). But working on existing projects is quite annoying, specially if you...More
In previous versions (7.02 and below) if you applied, say, a walking motion to a character then masked out the lower body and applied a different motion over the same frames to the upper body, the walking animation would remain and the new motion would affect only the upper body. In 7.1, using...More