Attempting to delete frames from a project causes the CPU usage to spike over 100%. Causing the application to hang, and be completely unresponsive. This condition occurs for 30+ minutes until being killed manually through terminal....More
Scene will not highlighted (group together) using Scene Manager only. You have to drag highlight around scene to highlighted (group together) it so you can zoom in or out frame scene in safe zone. This tracker is broken and will not let us upload pictures or files. Has been this way a week...More
I just purchased the software, installed all content. Unfortunately the software crashes when I try to load the Demos or characters to work with. The loading bar gets to 80% and then CTA3 crashes. Running CTA3 in administrator mode didn't help....More
CTA 3 surely provides a great step toward an easier way create custom characters. However one functionality that is still not particularly user-friendly is the Sprite Editor. This functionality theoretically allows the replacing of a particular single sprite, but in practice the replacing...More
After making several copies of an object, when flipping one of them all the others, except the original on vibrate when the mouse cursor is moved. See Video:
I am trying to get a dog to talk. I followed the steps in the morph-based heads for free bone actors, but it didn't work for me. When I get to the face puppet, nothing moves. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong and how to fix this?...More
I'm having issues installing two bonus packs (see the attached screenshots), I have also downloaded a trial version of Cartoon Animator 4 can have the same issue with installing add-on software. I have tried un-installing and re-installing the software, turn off my virus software, and still...More