There appears to be an issue controlling crazytalk animator 3 render style outline menu. In Crazytalk animator 2, you could of control render style outline menu with the back and forward keys. In Crazytalk animator 3 your have to use the mouse, which makes it difficult to get precise control...More
Here is the post in the forum with video Head and ear are invisible until I press the stage button. << weird!...More
I created a support ticket for this issue but they told me it was due to the new auto deform system in CTA3: My character’s hands resize from Deform within the 2D Motion Key Editor. The resizing is extreme and looks strange in the animation. When I click on the right hand and choose “Reset...More
I am having trouble getting the template to work in Affinity designer. There are ZERO tutorials for Affinity despite it being listed as compatible. I bought pipeline thinking I could use with affinity and now find problems - why on PS tuts?...More
For some sub window editors, such as the Create Head sub editor window in the character composer, selecting this option does not bring up the window. Instead it appears as if nothing has happened but if you try to do anything you'll hear the 'bell' sound that indicates a sub editor window is...More
I spent 35 minutes actually looking for an upgrade of cta3 to the pro version. All it offered me as a long-standing member was to buy the pro version of cta3 new and there would be no discount for the standard I have already paid. Also the bulldog icon is no very attractive. Does this mean...More
CTA 3 surely provides a great step toward an easier way create custom characters. However one functionality that is still not particularly user-friendly is the Sprite Editor. This functionality theoretically allows the replacing of a particular single sprite, but in practice the replacing...More
I am trying to get a dog to talk. I followed the steps in the morph-based heads for free bone actors, but it didn't work for me. When I get to the face puppet, nothing moves. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong and how to fix this?...More
Hi, If you have a mountain in the background and to show it is far the transparency is set to ~ 70% then if you place a cloud animation moving BEHIND the mountain, the cloud is seen THROUGH the mountain !!...More