I want to make my 3d face mockup look more like a 2d Cartoon. How can I do it? I need face values from 1 to 100 to have only the value 1 or 100. For example, I have such a robot https://skfb.ly/o78KY . And I need to move his face more like a 2D animation. Like in the series love death and...More
i installed cc4 thru 'reallution hub' 8hr ago, and uninstalled 1 hr ago. and i reinstalled now because i'd like to try 'head shot', but cc4 trial expired notify. i am very beginner on cc4, i think it's my mistake check the try button in 'head shot' thinking 'head shot' is individual progrma...More
Hello, I try to import combined character into my unreal project but the auto process character window stay indefinitly blocked at 30%. No problem with standard import but impossible with combine mesh/UV option. I use the 1.31 auto setup plugin....More
When creating a head in headshot. I go to modify the body and for some reason when I try and match the skin color it's completely different from the face vs the next area. As a result the entire body is a different color then the skin tones of the face and I don't believe this has been an issue...More
Hello, i was wondering if there is a possibility of a future upgrade to the plugins that would support mac computers just for opening projects with characters. If we share a project with mac users unreal projects with a character refuse to open, in unity they do open (we prefer unreal) but...More
Hello, I have a question, I don't know if this is a bug or a change that seems to me to be completely unnecessary and more useful for fast work in REallusion programs. In CC3/IC7 when I need to rename for example the name of an avatar or any other item, - it is enough to double-click the...More
Adjustments made in materials using the Digital Human Eye shader are lost when exporting to FBX from both Character Creator 4 and iClone 8. STR: - create / import a character in character Creator 4 (I used CC4 Kevin.ccAvatar from the Characters pack for this test)...More
The morph creator in iclone is outdated, and makes more sense to be integrated into CC4-- and it should be done in a way to more easily micromanage clothing and body morphs with the same functionality by which CC4 can now handle facial morphs and facial profiles....More