I've asked this during a webinar headshot plugin, I believe it was before it was officially released - if it could capture animals - at least for ones that have similarities eyes, nose/nostrils, lips etc I hope you can make some adjustments/AI training ASAP so animals could be added. Dogs...More
When I select an object like clothing, or an eyeball and got to Modify>Material>Launch it opens a window for me to login to Photoshop. Once I log in Photoshop opens for a few seconds and shuts down....More
This only occurs after some time. Fill up your 100 undo times, do some Polygon Reduction (which may itself cause crashes on high-poly items), and then try to link materials from multiple submeshes....More
I have made an image for you which completely explains what I mean. More of this type of morph is desirable. I think that this could be the focus of a content pack....More
Just installed CC3 3.01, tried it on 2 computers, same behavior - launches with default project, prompt for sign in (doesn't matter if I try to sign in or not - which btw, always fails if I try to sign in, also reallusion hub always says fails to connect to internet eventhough not true), then...More
If Smart Gallery is installed, CC3 crashes on startup and gives the attached error message. I tried reinstalling CC3 to different drives, but nothing helps. I've also scanned my memory for errors, but all seems good on my end....More
I am using Unity, and have made a material/texture library that matches the CC3 library. It would be great if "save all" would have options like merge base colour and opacity, and metallic and roughness, like the .FBX export. I export a lot of textures outside of .FBX'es, and it would save...More
I know you have change it a few times already, but that is not sufficient enough. Users are constantly asking the same questions over and over at the forum. Seems everyone is confused about importing characters, accessories and cloth....More
I understand this could be accomplished when using the Goz feature and probably exporting to Obj but this should be built into the Edit pose UI so it doesn't break the workflow..ie stop posing, Goz, send back or export to obj & import as morph etc....More