1075 issues found


Not Reproducible
For some reason, even after installing and re-installing Iclone 7.73, My Character Creator 3 now says...
"Load GUI Failed. Please Reinstall Iclone 7"
"Load Language File Failed. Please Reinstall the program CCContentManager2"...More
  •  1
  •  1199
Submitted by johnnieraytimmons


Not Reproducible
My project used Headshot and base content modified through the appearance editor and morphing. Once I was happy with the overall appearance I converted the model to the Game Base Model and manually reduced hair and clothing. When I use the pipeline extension to export to Blender the textures...More
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  •  778
Submitted by GG2020


The developer Alley has a couple of postings for Men's PBR Suits and a Toon one. When I use these, I always have to screw with the mesh because whoever did them put 4 buttons on the suitcoats. Nobody has 4 buttons on their suitcoats. Alley says she didn't make the mesh. I want to contact whoever...More
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  •  673
Submitted by m.hawkins


Not a Bug
***Your recommended solution does not work, see attached images, the problem is with the Genesis 3 figures, not Genesis 8. Please use Genesis 3.***
Hello, I have a problem of importing the Genesis 3 figures in CC3. The pupil appears separated from the cornea, and that takes away the character...More
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  •  709
Submitted by Veneris


Not a Bug
Using the default settings for UE4 mesh exports I'm getting incorrect results. Character mesh does not line up with skeleton. The process was working fine until I tried using the InstaLOD for the first time. Default pose applied to character upon export.
Using the trial version....More
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  •  849
Submitted by micahpharoh


Not a Bug
Hello, I have a problem of importing the Genesis 3 figures in CC3. The pupil appears separated from the cornea, and that takes away the character's realism. I have many Genesis 3 figures that I bought for my project and I would like to use them in Iclone. But I need to solve this problem first...More
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  •  688
Submitted by Veneris


In Character Creator 3.22
1. Go into pose mode on any character
2. Activate any of the gizmo-types by either hotkey or through the pose-picker...More
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  •  712
Submitted by doubblesixx


Not a Bug
I have a character whose lower half of the body is hidden. If I go into the Hide Body Mesh Tool and click to show the entire body, then exit out, most of the body/legs don't show. I can't hide/unhide body parts like I should be able to. It should be really easy to click to hide body parts,...More
  •  1
  •  1609
Submitted by james_muia


Not Reproducible
Please see this thread
seems like others are having the same issue....More
  •  1
  •  698
Submitted by Dorothy Jean


Recently bought iClone 7 and CC3. iClone 7 works just fine, but not CC3. Everytime CC3 loads up, a white screen will appear in the center. Then, the program stops working and crashes. I have already tried re-installing, but the same thing always happen....More
  •  1
  •  1543
Submitted by geraldsexonmd