Bonjour, Je suis en train d’essayer de créer un personnage G3 dans cartoon animation 4 version 4.1 sur IMac avec une image inporté de Photoshop en png. Je n’arive Pas à importer les sprites sur mon personnage G3 de profil pourtant je sélectionne bien la case keep parent mais mon sprite arrive...More
I updated my pipeline version of cartoon animator. i found AE at the top, followed the instructions but it wouldnt load. Is it because i only have adobe photo shop elements?i have tried to attach the file you requested but it wouldnt let me...More
I would like a tutorial on how to use Cartoon Animator with iClone that goes over all the ways you can combine the software features together. I also would like to know what plugins I need and what I would need to buy from the content store. I see the sales advertised for iClone but I can...More
I'd like to suggest giving users the ability to change the Default view in the Layer Manager. The Default is always set to Thumbnail Size Medium and List Expand. I constantly end up changing it to List Collapse and Thumbnail Size Small (see attached). I'd like the ability to just set the Default...More
When I select a character and click on the Composer button, nothing happens, same when I click the Project Settings button or access Project Settings from the top menu, or select Text to Speech (Record Voice works ok) . When I try to go on with working I get a Windows alert sound. This usually...More
There is no real pipeline for G2 characters and props. It is very hard to edit them. The documentation is confusing as it doesn't mention Adobe Animate as the program needed to animate the vector files. You have to search for the file types needed (flv, fla, swf). There also is not a plugin...More
Anytime I add morph teeth the application shuts down on me, losing all work that has been done...Very annoying. I just downloaded the app last night and this happened twice last night, and again just now. 3 times in total....More
Scenario: I have a character and have gone through the process of configuring it for 360 Head rotation. Then I decide to edit it (e.g. to modify one of the facial features). I launch PSD Editor (Affinity) and make changes. When I save the PSD file and update the character in CA4, I discover...More
The scene manager in Composer Mode doesn't let you reorder objects. This can become an issue if you have multiple similar objects on the stage and you want to be able to select the correct one. Reordering the objects using the Z-axis only changes the order on the stage but not in the Scene...More
Trying to save a morph based head that I created in Stage mode. Get error message, but the project us saved in the cartoon animator 4 folder. Cannot save just the head to content manager...More