Does anyone have a list for suggested File sizes for each sprite part. Example would be eye sprite is 32px by 32px/Arm is 34px by 42px and so on... The reason is, I'm losing information between my CA4 Actor and Krita. Krita is making the lines very pixelated in CA4 so I want to make the png...More
(1) How do I confirm Plugins in Content downloads? (2) In Preferences on CTA 4.5, Pipeline How do I change Photopea to Gimp 2.10? (3) Will Windows 10, Support CTA 5?...More
All characters show without a body: only the head and hands. When trying to create a character from imported graphics, the same thing happens. This issue is only a newer computer. A older machine with Windows 10 works fine. I noticed a previous post with the same issue, but no fix was posted...More
When I active the PS plugin the protea app opens but cta doesn't allow me to send images back and forth so I can modify them for quick changes. It has never worked....More
Once I transform a character or apply a motion the movement moves extremely slow and the movement begins way before it's supposed to. I can't find how to correct it. When several characters are in one scene it ends up taking all day to try and fix a 30-sec scene from all going out of sequence...More
It would be really easy and nice to have a VERSION or Last Updated date on everything on the store, so I can tell, and others can tell when the content was last updated, so they can download the newer fixed version for their content purchases. I am a seller and people ask me to update things...More
Hi. I have somehow closed the Content manager. As you can see on the picture it is not visible even thoug it is pinned out under windows. I think I have seen how to activate it again in some video, but I can´t find it. Please help me!...More