When I went to go upload my custom character from Actorcore to blender, once I put my animation on my custom model he was sliding around everywhere, and his arms were inside his chest, I used AccuRIG to Rig Him, also he looked perfectly fine in the Actorcore Model/Animation Viewer but once...More
constantly errors out and I can never upload characters. It reaches 10% and bugs out and its been happening every project making this software redundant for me even after i've paid for motions etc....More
Certain Fbx Characters (Blender xported) are not Visible in Accurig 1.3.4. You can rig them (auto) and after the Process has finished char become visible. See Attachements. Win10, 32Gb, Gtx1080ti...More
I have a problem uploading a character on actorcore. After successfully rigging the character (accurig 1.3.2), I click on the upload to ActorCore button, but it says "actor count exceeded!. Although I don’t have a single uploaded actor on my account!!! Help me fix the problem. what should I...More
Hi, recently i created a post with the same text just with Unreal 4. I tested it now in Unreal 5 and it's the same issue. The new UE5 skeleton has a new structure, but the UE4 Mannequin is also available. It would be amazing if there would be and export option for old and new skeleton hierachy...More
I have cleaned out a mixamo skeleton from everything except the mesh and exported as FBX Blender 3.3 Export FBX ( Removed: Mixamo skeleton, shape keys and vertexgroups) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Uxz6qdcmC_fC-WYCR1qCRFxV6ZO-Ocp/view?usp=share_link...More
Just going start by saying so far it's a great tool, great work chaps! Once the rig has completed and is ready for export, my UV's are erased. My character is built for Unity, which has a CC3 Head with eyelashes/waterlines etc and a custom clothed body...More