Character Creator 2
Issue 3418
When I apply a "Skin" to an avatar in CC crashes everytime.
I have this problem in CC 1.54 (latest patch) and with CC 2.1 (latest patch). Every time I try to apply a skin texture to an avatar the program will crash. I can do, as far as I can tell, everything else in CC except apply a new skin. I can modify the existing skin with no problem and morph with no problem. I can import an avatar with a different skin from iClone 7 with no problem.
I have the lastest, as of today, NVIDIA GeForce 980 ti drivers as well.

It's interesting in a beta version of CC 2.x awhile back I didn't have this problem. I still had it with the earlier CC 1.x version at the same time though.

Thanks for any thoughts.
OS: Windows 7
  •  6
  •  2831
Submitted bymark
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Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, Mark,

We decide to do the copy content from CC1 to CC2 on the time before release, that's why you didn't encounter this problem during CC2 beta.

So I will set the status of this issue to solved.

Best regards,
Thanks for checking back! I have absolutely no idea how it was created. But it was maybe a year ago. An errant key-stroke who knows...but that's me. I never really tried to track down the problem till I installed CC 2 and it had the same issue. I'm sure because  I choose to link the directories from CC 1.5. When I was doing some beta testing a few months back. That beta version of CC didn't have the issue so I was hopeful that I wouldn't have the issue with the new CC 2...but it did and so I started looking around and I thought that "Shortcut" file didn't belong...and I was correct I guess. Bottom line it seems to be working great! You all did a great job!!!!
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, Mark,

Glad to hear that you have solved the problem. Could you let us know how this errant shortcut was created? anything that the software needs to do to avoid this crash?

Best regards,
Just found the problem. In CC 1.5 I found an errant "Shortcut" in one of the "Skin" folders that somehow got created awhile back. And that got copied when I installed CC 2 as well. I deleted that file and all is well.
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