Character Creator 2
Issue 3584
SUGGESTION - Master Opacity/Blend Option for RGB (Color ID'd) Mapped Substance Materials
Okay, example:
(1) If I create a character/clothing,
(2) and I apply a RGB map in a Color ID channel over a base material to act as material inputs (in CC or using Super Substance Tools),
(3) I can tweak the individual Color ID'd materials (cyan, red, green, yellow, blue, etc...) to my heart's content, separate from the underlying 'master' material (black ID)....Great.

But one thing I cannot do is reduce the master opacity of these Color ID'd input materials to blend them over the 'master' material.
So, if I create a color ID map for a helmet's stripe, I can set any material now I want for the stripe. But I cannot reduce the opacity of this stripe such that it blends over the underlying helmet, like a traditional opacity slider would do. If I tweak the opacity channel for the stripe, it reduces the net effect to a white stripe, as if it is its own mesh that has a white base, and said opacity speaks to that white base, not the underlying master material itself.

I would recommend, specifically:
Under Substance (M) > Materials > Color channel (identified by cyan, red, green, etc..) > Tweak > ***ADD A 'MASTER BLEND' or 'MASTER OPACITY' slider***, in addition to the already existing Contrast, Luminosity, Hue, and Saturation sliders. So that said blend or opacity could speak to the underlying master material the RGB map was applied to.

Q - Are there are many different workflows to side-accomplish this? (Yes/No)
A - Yes

Q - Would some view this as unnecessary given you can do it other ways? (Yes/No)
A - Yes

Q - Does this add a layer of complexity? (Yes/No)
A - Yes

Q - Would this redirect attention away from more pressing development items? (Yes/No)
A - Yes

Q - Do I care?
A - No. I don't care whether YOU want it or not...I WANT IT. I am being a whining baby, give it to me!
Plus, it would allow for more in-depth design possibilities for the substance material mixer, which would enhance all user's abilities to create designs.
ie - blending a see-through glass element over the master-material. Does this make sense in real life? No, and that is why I want it. Specifically because it DOESN'T make sense to have. You know, maybe I want to make alien clothing, that operates on a different technological paradigm than our limited minds are used to...I know, for a fact, alien clothing is more advanced, and the seamstresses use glass....It's a fact, and everyone in SETI knows this. And are you going to tell me they are wrong, and you know better???? Really???
Plus, as an artist, it would be great to be able to emulate this through the amazing Character Creator and Super Substance toolsets.

PS - if you are reading this RGB Substance Color ID stuff and thinking, "WTF is he talking about?", I know EXACTLY what you are thinking, because a week ago I had no idea about RGB channel input maps and Super Substance Tools. Very powerful tool!

PS2 - If there is a way to do this currently, please do tell!

Thanks for any consideration! This would be cool to have.

PS3 - Bonus 1,000 iClone Coins to the RL team member who gets it done.

PS4 - better than XBOX One...or is it?...
OS: Windows 7
  •  1
  •  1296
Submitted byTonyDPrime
Would it be better to have fine grain control over the opacity/contribution of each individual channel?

What I mean is... would it be nice to have the option to vary the degree of opacity (e.g.) contribution of the 
Base Color

Each with their own opacity value?