Issue 11259
Help!! is this a Bug or undeveloped feature? - Custom Spring Joints added to any bone in the head works fine but not in the body!
Devs Please Fix this: custom spring joints work awesome in the head area but not in the body unless they are hand & finger joints.
The secondary and third set of arms are cloned joint hierarchies of the arm joints and they work as expected. This character is intended for the marketplace as a Creature Base with tons of flexibility for reshaping/sculpting and has similar UDIMs and bone naming as Native CC4 characters.
I created custom joints labeled "UpperArm_SpringJoint" "forearm_springjoint" before existing ik joints but I can't set them to "Used" in the bone manager.
Is it that spring joints can only work at the end of an IK joint chain and there is no possible way around it? OR can you make it work before and after an IK joint chain?
You guys are sitting on a gold mine and don't even realize it! - It would breathe new life into your characters!
In my video example all the arms/legs/tentacles move freely with spring physics except front arms and back legs assigned with HIK/biped - yes this creature is fully mocap-able and comes with Visemes.
Submitted byAscensi
Apr 17, 2024