iClone 6
Issue 290
3DConnexion Support
Please give us support for 3D Mice. It is Agonizing to have to use alt and the mouse button to move around in a scene, especially when you are zooming in and out. My finger is about to fall off with how many times you have to move the scroll wheel to move short distances. I have used a 3D mouse for two years now, and it has made such a difference in the speed and efficiency of my work. Lack of any 3D mouse support is killing me. I'm not saying that it has to be the 3DConnexion Space Navigator or Pilot, but any 3D mouse is better than not having one.
OS: Windows 10
  •  15
  •  8835
Submitted bywill2power71 Apr 7, 2016
12 3
R Ham Oct 13, 2016
It's hard to imagine that providing spacemouse support would be a mind-boggling undertaking.  And this request first appeared 6 years ago??  C'mon, guys.  Do it and get it over with.
ken_1171 Jul 1, 2016
I have found this voting link by accident while looking for something else. I think it would be a much more valid initiative if Reallusion would invite registered iClone users to vote on this issue by email notification than let them find it by accident. In that case, the final number of voters would actually reflect a general community opinion, instead of the opinions of those who somehow found out the issue was being voted. 

In other words, if I didn't find this voting session by accident, my opinion would never be heard. This feature has been suggested for many years, and every time I start iClone, I STILL automatically put my hand over my 3D mouse, just to realize it is STILL not supported - and I STILL get surprised every time. iClone has come a long way, and introduced some really modern features, but on this point it's still in the stone age of usability.
j-wag Jun 30, 2016
God save our wrists!
Grampanda Apr 30, 2016
After using the 3dConnexion mouse with SketchUp and Blender it is uncomfortable to go back to the jerky movement in iClone products.  Wise up guys!  Bellatrix speaks for all of us.  3DConnexion would be the most used "add on" to iClone.
Bellatrix Apr 9, 2016
This is evidently not a subjective request...
3Dconnexion support has been requested repeatedly on iClone forums.
Starting 6 years ago.
Most recent.
IClone's 3Dconnexion capability is gossiped about on many forums.

Logitech acquired 3DConnexion for good reason: open Sandbox gamers LOVE 3D mouse.
The starter version is CHEAPER than high end game mouse.
It is now a common, standard 6DOF hardware controller
It frees up the mouse hand/wrist and reduce up to 70% of redundant clicks (!!!) 
Speed and wrist saving is a BIG DEAL to non-leisure CG users, even gamers
Many current gen CG tool frequent travellers check if 3D mouse is supported before signing up!

Unity5, Cryengine has 3Dconnexion. 
Unreal4 finally got their 3Dconnexion recently after feverish petitions.
3Dconnexion support is the most requested item on Realtime architecture visualization tools forum, Lumion, LumenRT, TwinMotion.
(an opportunity for RL)

Be ahead in the realtime viz game...or at least
Stay relevant and current among popular visualization tools.

Most DCC or Scene Layout tools ship with 3Dconnexion out of the box.

3D mouse will attract/ ease orientation shock for these tool users jumping on the iClone train:
Easier transition for users coming from peer/ prosumer tools Daz Studio and Poser.
Big attractor for users from Maya, 3dsMax, Blender, Sketchup, Lightwave, Modo, C4D, Cryeditor, Photoshop, Adobe (and 100+ other CG/DCC tools)
Big attractor for users from Unity5, UE4, Cryengine (frequent complaint = total click count)

Another big bonus of 3Dconnexion is fast, easy, smooth camera animation.

3Dconnexion could help sell more iClone
Make iClone more fun and intuitive to use
(and make iClone look and feel more current gen).
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