Please, (pretty please with sugar on top) add support for 3DConnexion. please.
I am about to buy iClone, moving from Poser. I installed the demo and what? No 3d mouse? I am hesitating now. The spaceNavigator is such a great tool.
Ziggy: 3DConnexion actually exposes/offers a standard joystick output ported from the 6dimensional space mouse. All that is really needed for us to do it ourselves, is a kind of macro program that converts those joystick outputs into a short keyboard sequence and then some mouse inputs. Basically turning the output of the navigator mouse into its equivalent kbd and mouse movements to achieve the same thing we would do manually. I have tried a few joystick porting programs, but they don't seem to work right.
If the driver (and company) wasn't so unhelpful we could program the thing ourselves, but 3DConnexion only allows you to write a driver for each specific app. Not all of us have the time or skills needed to learn how to use the SDK. You guys probably do... :)
I know I have been asking/demanding this functionality to be added to iClone and friends, it seems like I am not the only one. Now that iClone 7 is still being developed, it is the perfect time to add that ability. Comon Reallusion, we spend big bux for your products, the least you could is add something we've all asked for, and is really not a hard thing to add; 3DConnexion already has an easy SDK developer's interface ready to go: Was that so hard?