Push is designed to simulate push by an invisible force.
Basic Control
Auto Push: Check this box will give a constant push force with assigned intervals.
Force: This slider will determine the strength of the force.
Start: This button will start the pushing force.
Stop: This button will stop the force from pushing.
Push can be used to simulate wind blow or propeller force.
Advanced Control
Pick Arrow: The arrow (gizmo) serves as the indicator of the push direction; it can be any prop with the specified axis.
Axis: The axis determines which axis will the picked object move.
Pick Object: Pick an object to behave the way Push behaves. You can pick mutiple objects by pressing down the Ctrl key. For more information about picking objects, please read How to control custom props using L1 Forces section.
Release Object: Release an object that has been picked. This object will no longer be pushed. The picked number will be subtracted by 1.
Picked Number: The number of objected that will be pushed.
Multiple Force: multiply the force value, in order to push high mass targets
Delay for Auto: The interval between each push when auto push is checked.
Physics Attribute
The arrow can be either physics or non-physics object. The picked objects are dynamic objects.