Character Creator(CC)是一款用以製作擬真外觀、即時動態專用的 3D 人形角色工具。CC 透過臉部和身體滑桿變形,自定義服裝設計、動畫和素材 FBX 輸出,為 Unreal 與 Unity 遊戲引擎遊戲的角色設計提供完整製作流程。 無與倫比的 PBR 視覺效果與 Allegorithmic Painter、Substance、3D Coat、Quixel、Unreal 或 Unity 以及 Sketchfab 等網路共享網站。
iClone 是一款即時 3D 動畫製作軟體,也是 CC 角色的最佳動畫生成器。 有了iClone 你可以
Character Creator 現在能自動將骨架轉換成 UE4 的綁定骨架,同時完全相容 Unreal 第三人稱控制器。此外藉由結合 iClone / 3DXchange Pipline 版本,您可將 Mixamo 動作轉換到 Unreal 引擎,在 Unreal 處理角色動畫可節省大量精力。
“We were using Mixamo, Adobe Fuse for a lot of our character creation needs. When the
Engine 4 rig was removed from their service, it completely broke our pipeline and
us to lose countless hours of work.
We turned to Reallusion for a possible
and have found a company which was quick to respond by adding the feature we requested,
many others that make it an excellent addition to any developers’ tool bag. Reallusion
saved us thousands of dollars and hundreds of development hours!”