iClone 3D character design contest - winners

After two months of intensive work and sharing, Reallusion and Polycount announce that the iClone 2016 3D Character Design Contest has finally come to an end with dozens of incredible character entries that have helped rewrite the 3D character design rules.

Through great efforts, Reallusion is honored to have joined forces with some of the best partners in the industry, allowing us to put forward amazing 3D design synergies to all would-be participants through generous prizes offered by an all-star list of contest sponsors. So let's give a round of applause to all the winners and contestants of the iClone 2016 3D Character Design Contest!

Lilia Vorontsova

Judges' Comments

First place goes to Lilia Vorontsova! This newcomer has managed to come a long way in such a short time as she is currently studying 3D. Her Ukrainian warrior character Kossack-kharacternyck entry showed great sculpting skill with remarkable design quality that were both functional and original. Lilia also demonstrated great learning abilities by fully employing the iClone Animation Pipeline to fully rig and animate her character, while genuinely sharing her inspirations and progress along the way. For this we congratulate you Lilia!

Winner Prizes:

Olga Anufrieva

Judges' Comments

Second place goes to Olga and her charmingly cute doll character! This cuteness overdose had our judges blushing thanks to its own original style, high quality sculpting, and overall greatness. In her entry, Olga demonstrated great proficiency in retopology, texturing, and painting. We were also treated to a couple of very nice work in progress videos that demonstrated Olga's journey in turning her charming vision into a 2nd place powerhouse winner! Congratulations Olga!

Winner Prizes:

Adolf Navarro

Judges' Comments

Out of left field comes Adolf Navarro, again! This talented iCloner has managed to consistently join the ranks as one of the best 3D artists, winning back-to-back prizes in all of our recent competitions! This year Adolf slides into 3rd Prize with his Antareus - Ancient Greek Warrior. In this entry Adolf demonstrated great skill, detail, use of Character Creator, and a tremendous work in progress thread that made these top prizes very difficult to judge. In the end Adolf also treated us to an amazing showcase video that was the best in the competition! Well done to Mr. Navarro!

Winner Prizes:

Alex Borre

Judges' Comments

The best use of VR goes to Alex Borre and his high-quality, medievel-40's style character - Laure, The Steel Knuckle. In his work in progress, Alex showed his use of iClone's Character Creator, ZBrush, and Marvelous Designer. With Sketchfab's VR friendly web viewer, Alex created an excellent VR display complete with poses and preset animations that would surely snatch him that coveted HTC Vive headset. Congratulations Alex!

Winner Prizes:

Adolf Navarro

Judges' Comments

Yes, again a winner. Top-notch work is impossible to ignore, and Adolf continues to surprise not just the Reallusion team, but the entire 3D Community with his amazing talent for cinematics, art creation, character design, creativity and vision. In his entry, Adolf's skill with iClone secured him one more spot in the competition, proving once more that this upcoming TV show producer is only getting started!

Winner Prizes:

Philip Siemens

Judges' Comments

Philip Siemens's the Baroness (Ronya) character, helped him secure the best use of Character Creator thanks to his clever use of the tool along with a strong combination of iClone physics, constant testing in his WIP thread, and the best cloth textures including; a fur trimmed coat. Congratulations Philip!

Winner Prizes:

Anna Makovei

Judges' Comments

Throughout the contest we had lots of great outfit designs, but one that stuck out for us was Anna's Steampunk woman where she used Character Creator for the base model, followed by quality work in Marvelous Designer to create a very elaborate garment including; gloves, boots and accessories. Congratulations Anna for a job well done!

Winner Prizes:


During the 3D Character Design Contest, the judging process was very difficult as it took our judges many hours of viewing and deliberation to come up with the final winners. Although the following entries did not win the top prizes, Reallusion felt the need to praise their outstanding works and spirit of sharing through honorable mention.

Judges' Comments

An honorable mention goes to DT's character Zane Artoriya. DT is a creative CG artist that showed great use of many tools along with a very in-depth work in progress thread and a high-quality video display to match. Thank you DT for generously sharing your work and ideas. For this, we salute you!

Video Sketchfab WIP

Eugene Kuchinsky
Judges' Comments

The honorable mention goes to Mr. Kuchinsky for his multiple character entries where he also used Character Creator for the base models (CC), to later skin and cloth in Marvelous Designer prior to retopologizing in Mudbox/Blender. Eugene demonstrated good use of many tools along with a high quality display on Sketchfab. Congratulations, and thank you for participating Eugene!

Video Sketchfab WIP

Damian Wickie - Wolfzone Digital
Judges' Comments

A VR honorable mention goes to Wolfzone's Minotaur character, for making great use of Character Creator morphs, along with 3DXchange, ZBrush, and 3ds Max. In the end, Wolfzone even treated us to a 360-VR video set in a sweet, ancient Rome-like arena! Great job Wolfzone!

Video Sketchfab WIP

Renato Limón Cisneros
Judges' Comments

Congratulations to Renato for making that leap forward in joining the competition and making his first Polycount post! Through his thread, Renato showed good use of sketches, along with Blender, Character Creator, ZBrush and 3DXchange. In the end we were happy to see that his 3DXchange rigging came in handy for his Sketchfab VR display. Congratulations Renato, and welcome to the world of fast iClone animation!

Video Sketchfab WIP

Andrius Beconis
Judges' Comments

In his entry, Beco created a cyborg/punk type avatar by first using the Character Creator tool for his base character. He eventually created an interesting android body, complete with metal segments, circuitry, barcodes, rust, camera shutter eyes and other fine details that showcased his tremendous quality. Job well done Beco!

Video Sketchfab WIP

Alexionna Bushell
Judges' Comments

The next honorable mention for Best 3D Character goes to Alex. In her entry, Alex shared her League of Legends inspiration while using a Daz 3D base, and Sculptris, inside her generous work in progress thread. She also treated us to some of her interesting iClone animation videos. Awesome work Alex!

Video Sketchfab WIP

Lo Chi Yung
Judges' Comments

An honorable mention goes to Lo Chi Yung for his Rosamund Kwan Chi-lam look-alike avatar which he flawlessly generated with Character Creator. Lo Chi Yung used Character Creator to generate his character's face and body figure. He also made extensive use of iClone hair, and ZBrush sculpting, not to mention good use of iClone animation. Very good work!

Video Sketchfab WIP

Laura Sajdik
Judges' Comments

An honorable mention goes out to Laura for her Irish Mobster entry. Its important to mention that this was Laura's first attempt in using Character Creator for her base model. She later used a combination of Marvelous Designer and ZBrush for clothing and sculpting to create a neat, high-quality design, with good use of iClone lighting. Great work Laura!

Video Sketchfab WIP

Charles Mandracchia
Judges' Comments

Professor Mandracchia submitted three character entries, each using the Character Creator tool for their base bodies. He made good use of soft cloth physics, iClone Party Packs, and iClone animation scenes. Good job professor, and thank you for participating!

Video Sketchfab WIP

Judges' Comments

This honorable mention showed great use of CrazyTalk 8 to create a 3D Head for use in Character Creator. LookingGlassGraphics demonstrated good inspiration, attention to detail, and a great work in progress thread with videos.

Video Sketchfab WIP