Utilizing Detail Height Feature

EarthSculptor provides Detail Height feature for you to project textures to the terrain based on its height definition. With this method, you may quickly create geological believable terrain textures.

  1. Create a terrain.

  2. Assign the four Detailmap channels with different textures. The terrain will be covered with the texture in channel 1 instantly. Please refer to Terrain Texture - Detail Map for more information about Detailmap.

  3. Access Generate / Detail Height in the menu bar. A Detail Height panel shows.

  4. Click Run button. EarthSculptor then maps the textures of the Detailmap channels according to the height values defined in the panel.

  5. Modify the values in the panel and click run may generate different result.


  • Since the terrain height is limited from 1 to 300 unit, the values for the Detailmap represent the starting height in percentage for the textures. Therefore, value 1 means to start texturing at 300 and 0.50 means to start texturing at 150.

  • EarthSculptor blends the edges between adjacent Detailmaps automatically in predefined range.

  • Please refer to Terrain Texture - Detail Map for more information about Detailmap.

  • You may utilize Detail Height feature as a base texture and then paint more details with the Paint tool.