I've presented the idea of creating presets for Characters that have cloned CC3+ bones such as leg, arm, neck/head and hand hierarchies so the body parts can be switched and accessed for mocap of complex characters. I hope Reallusion will adopt it and future proof it with AI video Motion Capture...More
Hi, just bought AccuFace, installed and start working with iClone 8.4 using the steps presented in Reallusion's Youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFdzR48MkXU&t=390s) 1. AccuFACE can fully connect with iClone without any problem. 2. My laptop's built in camera can fully function...More
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I these days have been trying somehow to connect to Omniverse but every time it tells me that you have some content on trial and it has to pay for it first, I have tried with different projects and I always get the same message. how can I solve problem?...More
Hello, I have issues with iClone 8. I tried to uninstall but I couldn't, one window appeared: "Failed to uninstall the program. Please verify that the program was installed correctly before trying again". I didn't know why, I installed normally. I restart my computer but the error continues...More
OK so I can’t seem to understand why you’re more focused on unreal and it seems like Iclone8 is just a $500 unreal plug-in I see you doing more tutorials on using iClone in conjunction with Live links and unreal but unreal is a free piece of software, so I am a bit confused on why you’re focused...More
I've reported several apparent bugs many of which you claim not to be able to repeat During my own investigation I noticed that the RLRunUtility.exe that's in the windows start up list, that references StartRLCMS.bat. In the C:\ProgramData\Reallusion directory....More
When adding texture to the Glow channel, the maximum value of the slider is 6000. The maximum value should be 100.(See "IC840_Glow_slider_max_value.png"). Steps to reproduce: 1. Load an object such as a box (any prop without a Glow texture will do)....More
Hi, When I enable reach target for the character pelvis (for example sitting on a sofa) if after that I select character hand, to correct its position, translate gizmo jumps to other location (offset from selected point)...More
It would be a lot more useful if in the pose mixer, you can mask out body parts with more specificity, as opposed to how it is now where you can only mask the whole torso, or a whole arm, or a whole leg. This would especially be useful with the torso, since the root can radically alter the...More