I have a scene where the character is stationary and just talking. So the most animation is in her facial expression and head movements. Over a period of time the neck distorts. I use Face Puppet and Face Key to animate this part. Video example: https://youtu.be/pWKtlGl2K7A...More
I reported this problem in issue 8983 after the update to 8.11 there was a fix applied which solved it. I've just updated to 8.12 and the problem is back with content syncs taking place at every level " AGAIN" (See issue 8983 for full description)...More
Volumetric lighting does not work for the rectangle spotlight shape. Note: Volumetric lighting does, however, work for the rectangle point light shape....More
Scenarios 1) The software started to lag after intense use for hours. 2) The software started to lag when idled for a few hours. (FYI, I don't turn off my PC at night)...More
Solve the problemThe program stops suddenly when I start downloading any character (fbx, obj) of the sudden stop of the program Actor AccuRig core...More
Usually (40-50%) the program crashes when merging clips. Also, when I minimized the program, after 10-15 minutes the program was crashing. After the last update this was fixed, but if we keep the program in the minimized state for 40-60 minutes, it still crashes....More
I see iClone being being close to replace my Autodesk suite of software, but I currently don't see a way to take the tracking data from something like Hitfilm Pro into iClone so I can animated a character and render it to match the camera move. THIS WOULD BE A GAME CHANGER. Is there a way...More