When using 4K video as diffuse and opacity textures, iClone drops and skips frames randomly. This results in intermittent black fringing around the video image....More
Instead, the key is written to the next frame on the left. Depending on which bones are getting transformed, the outcome is unpredictable. Slippery feet, jerky motions.. etc. There is nothing helps to fix the faulty frame, except to move the entire clip by a few frames to the left or right...More
BUG: When I apply a gesture to one hand only, it causes all animation from the other hand to be deleted and restored to default, causing a need to re-animate the other hand to the previous position, which is difficult sometimes, because the other hand is often a custom position, not another...More
When I turned on DOF for Indigo render and picked a focal point it always blurs my foreground and makes the background sharp so I am unable to change the focal point, pick a target or animate the focal point because Indigo won't recognise the settings. It only seems to turn on the Indigo DOF...More
Live Face Plugin, for Iphone X says "server failed". I am attaching the Iphone X and Desktop to the same Wifi address. Using the same IP address The Iphone X app is working. Detects my face and movement but Iclone does not connect. Any ideas?...More
With a non standard character when you swap it for a different non standard character all expressiveness values are at a 100% on the character even as the values on the face key panel expression values is correct. To make the character match the values of the keyframes, I have click on every...More
Just following the workflow as discribed here i get some unexspected result. iClone Pipeline Tutorial - Applying Motions from iClone to 3DS Max CS Biped Characters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQGYoPC7llo...More
I changed the speed on a motion clip to make it slower (longer in time) this is causing the paste of motion layer keys to end up at the wrong frame. Reproducible bug: Change the speed of a motion clip to go slower....More