1. We need more control over resetting Iray materials. Currently there is only one button, which resets ALL materials for the object without confirmation (slide 1). The "Auto" in MDL popup can do the job for individual materials as well, but require a few extra clicks. Please add another...More
Would be great if you could group several avatars/charachters together and save them. Then have the possibility to load them together as a crowd. Especially now that the CC3 can do low poly charachters....More
If you have a motion and you break it, it will add keyframes form both ends of the split. It will add keyframes on every frame for the entire motion or...More
iClone should include a healthy practice of auto incremental file saving. Offer a "Save as +" saves the file with a number if it has none or adds 1 to an existing number in the file. 3 saved files of the same project over time:...More
Vr is becoming real. Iclone has all the tools to let users make vr movies that could be watched on a vr glasses. I know we can already make 360 videos...but whats missing is a real 3d 360 vr exporter. I would Love that, and i bet in a few years that would be a real sucess. Thanks...More
Hey RL-Team A real missing feature from the beginning of Iclone is the real world measurement. Scale 100 says nothing about the imported props and the size of it. The real units taken from the imported (3d exchamge converted) objects would be VERY VERY useful. For example i create a cube...More
Hola Icloner, we are missing a function we loved in Iclone 2 !!! YES there was a function for it and we love it .....no setup up every scene and setting new for each new project :-)...More
I use a lot of Substance textures, but few that require tessalation, so every single texture I load, I have to go in a disable tessalation manually. It would be great if there were an option to load textures with tessalation all set to zero, and add it when you need it. It would be way more...More
>>> This is being reported against iClone 7.3. It may or may not apply equally well to CC3 <<< In addition to specifying a specific frame number to start applying the "De-Noise" feature, it would be nice to have the ability to simply request it be applied to the FINAL ITERATION when rendering...More