The Sprite Editor panel has no toolbar at the top. -- Stage Mode: Spline Dummy (or other character) highlighted. -- Right-click on it. Select: Sprite Editor....More
It'd be great if several of the most recent projects appeared as an option to select in the main file menu. I have to use a local search tool just to figure where I actually put the last project....More
I've been using CTA2 & CTA3 for a few weeks now, with no problem. Suddenly yesterday as I was preparing a Christmas interview with Santa, Norton told me that one of your DLL's was already removed. I know that you have a great product. There is some kind of false positive coming out of Norton...More
Load a G2+ actor (Saul or Walter). Make face modifications in Composer. Exit Composer. Save the new actor in custom folder. Exit program and re-launch it. Load the custom actor you just saved. Go into timeline. The old name appears (Saul or Walter) instead of my new saved actor name...More
I can't say, what is the trigger for the crashes, they are different. So there is not 1 reason in the workflow, why it crashes. I do several different things in CTA3 after some times in use the program crashes. This is very disappointing. I can't use it! Windows 10 64bit, I tried the 32bit...More